be up in the air
Definition: if something is up in the air, no decision has been made about it yet.
Our trip is still very much up in the air.
Becky and I were supposed to get brunch(早午餐) this weekend, but things are up in the air now because she's not feeling well.
我跟Becky 本来约好这个周末出去吃个东西什么的,不过现在我也不知道了,因为她有点不舒服。
I wish I could tell you where I'll be in six months time, but I don't even know. I'm not sure if I will have the same job. I'm not even sure if my boyfriend will be able to stay in this country. Everything is so up in the air.
Hey, my trip is confirmed. I'll be out of town for the Moon Festival. I won't be seeing you guys next week. Say you're gonna miss me, ha! Happy holidays to all of you! Mua!
Hey, hey,hey! 我的行程已经确定了,下个礼拜我会到其他地方过中秋,所以就不能和大家见面了,已经开始想我了吧,哈!Olivia 先预祝大家中秋节快乐,(Mua声音)!